Tractors are designed to deliver high torque at slow speeds. A tractor can be used to perform different tasks, specially on a farm, depending on what it is pulling. Like other vehicles, tractors have their own appeal and they too require maintenance to continue to work properly.
Regardless of the reason why you have purchased a tractor, whether it is to plough the field or to perform other farming jobs, the need for its maintenance is indispensable and cannot be ignored. Even the best farming tractor needs maintenance. So, here are a few tractor-maintenance tips.
Begin with a visual inspection of your tractor
Inspect your tractor to identify leaks and worn or loose hoses and cables. Dirt buildups can be a sign of minute leaks. Repairing leaks, either big or small, might include simply tightening drain plugs or replacing clamps or hoses. Inspect the glass sediment below the fuel filter for material or water. A few tractors, especially new models, come with check windows for hydraulic reservoir fluid levels.
Apart from this, make sure that the safety features of your tractor, including the PTO shields, are in place and hazard lights as well as turn indicators are in proper working condition.
Check the radiator's fluid level
Loss of fluid can take place in your small farm tractors over a period of time. Thus, it is necessary to check radiator's fluid level at regular intervals. If the radiator needs extra coolant, there might be some serious issue such as leakage of coolant into engine oil.
Check the fan's drive belt
Clear any dirt or debris present in the radiator with the help of air pressure in order to avoid damaging its fins. If your tractor's cab contains air conditioning unit, don't forget to check the condenser and also do ensure to remove any dirt or debris present in it. While using a pressure washer to remove debris, take precaution to ensure that you do not bend radiator fins or damage seals.
Check tire pressure
Operating a tractor with low tire pressure not only increases tread wear, but also increases fuel consumption. Consider the recommended pressure as a guideline, but also ensure to adjust air pressure according to the type of work you will be doing with your machinery. If tilling the soil is your job, reduce pressure by a few pounds. On the contrary, more pounds in the front tires would not cause any problem if you are going to use the tractor for loading.
Checking the tire pressure will take only a few minutes, but it can increase your tire's life and contribute to safe tractor use.
When it comes to performing farming operations, your tractor is your most valuable asset since it simplifies multitude of farming jobs for you. Regular maintenance will not only keep it working in good condition, but will also increase its longevity. Even if you have the strongest tractor, maintenance is crucial to keep it running properly. So, don't overlook the need for your tractor's maintenance and it will serve you for many years to come.
Regardless of the reason why you have purchased a tractor, whether it is to plough the field or to perform other farming jobs, the need for its maintenance is indispensable and cannot be ignored. Even the best farming tractor needs maintenance. So, here are a few tractor-maintenance tips.
Begin with a visual inspection of your tractor
Inspect your tractor to identify leaks and worn or loose hoses and cables. Dirt buildups can be a sign of minute leaks. Repairing leaks, either big or small, might include simply tightening drain plugs or replacing clamps or hoses. Inspect the glass sediment below the fuel filter for material or water. A few tractors, especially new models, come with check windows for hydraulic reservoir fluid levels.
Apart from this, make sure that the safety features of your tractor, including the PTO shields, are in place and hazard lights as well as turn indicators are in proper working condition.
Check the radiator's fluid level
Loss of fluid can take place in your small farm tractors over a period of time. Thus, it is necessary to check radiator's fluid level at regular intervals. If the radiator needs extra coolant, there might be some serious issue such as leakage of coolant into engine oil.
Check the fan's drive belt
Clear any dirt or debris present in the radiator with the help of air pressure in order to avoid damaging its fins. If your tractor's cab contains air conditioning unit, don't forget to check the condenser and also do ensure to remove any dirt or debris present in it. While using a pressure washer to remove debris, take precaution to ensure that you do not bend radiator fins or damage seals.
Check tire pressure
Operating a tractor with low tire pressure not only increases tread wear, but also increases fuel consumption. Consider the recommended pressure as a guideline, but also ensure to adjust air pressure according to the type of work you will be doing with your machinery. If tilling the soil is your job, reduce pressure by a few pounds. On the contrary, more pounds in the front tires would not cause any problem if you are going to use the tractor for loading.
Checking the tire pressure will take only a few minutes, but it can increase your tire's life and contribute to safe tractor use.
When it comes to performing farming operations, your tractor is your most valuable asset since it simplifies multitude of farming jobs for you. Regular maintenance will not only keep it working in good condition, but will also increase its longevity. Even if you have the strongest tractor, maintenance is crucial to keep it running properly. So, don't overlook the need for your tractor's maintenance and it will serve you for many years to come.